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Birth Campaign For Population Control

As we mark World Population Day on July 11th, it serves as a crucial reminder of the challenges and responsibilities we face due to our increasing global population. This day encourages us to consider the impact of our population on Earth's finite resources and to explore sustainable solutions.

Celebrating Diversity, Facing Challenges

We’ve hit a major milestone on our planet—we’re now over 8 billion strong! That’s 8 billion unique stories, dreams, and journeys! While this incredible diversity enriches our global family, it also brings with it a host of challenges, especially when we think about our resources and how we plan for a sustainable future. 

The Big Issue: More Isn’t Always Merrier

Let's unpack this a bit. Think of our world as a boat. The more passengers, the more resources needed to keep everyone afloat—food, space, life jackets, you name it! More people mean more needs for food, jobs, and schools, which can actually make it harder for everyone to enjoy a good quality of life.

Why We Mark World Population Day

You might be wondering why there’s a day dedicated entirely to our world’s population? Well, World Population Day isn’t just a reminder of how many of us there are, but a call to action.  It's about discovering innovative ways to ensure our boat isn't just surviving, but thriving, ensuring future generations inherit a healthy planet.

Unpacking the Challenges

  • Resource Overload:

    • The UN warns that we need to ramp up global food production by nearly 70% by 2050. Why? To feed a near 10 billion population!

    • UNESCO tells us we need 69 million new teachers by 2030 to educate the booming number of students.

    • And jobs? The International Labour Organization says we’ll need 600 million new ones by 2030 due to our growing workforce.

  • Environmental & Economic Pressures:

    • Two-thirds of us might face water shortages by 2025, thanks to our skyrocketing consumption, says the World Resources Institute.

    • Deforestation and pollution are on the rise, too, contributing to global warming and climate change, notes the World Wildlife Fund.

Saint Dr. MSG Insan’s Visionary Initiatives: BIRTH Campaign

In response to these daunting challenges, Dera Sacha Sauda, guided by the revered Saint Dr. MSG, has initiated powerful movement. 

The BIRTH initiative, which advocates for

Be proud 

In taking the 


To control 

High population rates,

encourages couples to opt for smaller families—'Ek hi Sahi, Do Ke Baad Nahi' (One is enough, no more after two). This commitment helps ensure more resources for education, healthcare, and personal growth, fostering a healthier society.

Why These Initiatives Matter: More Than Just Numbers

By choosing smaller families through BIRTH, we're not just easing the pressure on our planet's resources—we’re also crafting brighter futures. This means better education, more balanced job markets, and stronger, more sustainable communities. Plus, these proactive changes are pivotal in reducing crime, congestion, and environmental damage.

Join the Movement: Your Role is Crucial

By embracing these initiatives, you're not just planning a better future for your family; you're actively constructing a sustainable world. Imagine the impact if every couple made this choice—the ripple effect would be monumental!

Conclusion: Let’s Make Our Mark Together

As we observe World Population Day, let’s reflect on our role in this vast, interconnected journey. It's all about making thoughtful decisions, not just for our immediate future, but for the well-being of our entire planet. With guidance from Saint Dr. MSG and collective effort, we can address overpopulation and pave the way for a sustainable, balanced world. 

Ready to make a difference? We're right here with you!